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Sacred Cacao Ceremony – September 2024

Sacred Cacao Ceremony

September 15 @ 2:30 pm 5:30 pm



Cacao – the food of the gods – is currently experiencing a ceremonial renaissance in our modern society.

Despite having been used in sacred ceremonial ways for thousands of years by different tribes of the Americas, the culture and tradition around this powerful medicine plant fell dormant for a considerable amount of time, yet has begun to resurface over the last couple of decades.

I personally love working with and teaching about cacao because of its kind, gentle and powerful feminine spirit – and its ability to not just energetically, but also physically open our hearts, lift our moods and connect deeper to ourselves and others.

My cacao ceremonies are essentially a celebration of life – all guided by the gentle and loving presence of Mama Cacao. My vision is to bring a tribe of like-minded souls and cacao lovers together to connect, sing, dance, cry, laugh, hug, make music and celebrate existence.

Each ceremony is different, but you can expect elements such as guided meditation, breathwork, live music, movement, sharing, singing, dancing, conscious relating practices and whatever magic wants to unfold in the moment.

What to Expect


“Chocolate Sundays” is Anna’s Sacred Cacao Ceremony Series to connect, sing, dance, make music and celebrate life together with likeminded souls – all guided by the gentle and loving presence of Mama Cacao. 🍫

The space will be open for guided meditation, breathwork, live music, sharing, singing, dancing, drumming and whatever magic wants to unfold as the ceremonial cacao starts opening our hearts and lifting our spirits! ❤️

Join the cacao tribe and let’s come together in making our Sunday afternoon even sweeter than it already is! 💫

Cacaon’t wait to see you there!


Cacao in its mostly unprocessed form is an extremely potent superfood with a range of potential health benefits, that is also known as a gentle ‘heart-opening medicine’. The active compounds in cacao bring an increased level of energy and focus to the system, and support the release of endorphins, which can lead to feelings of euphoria and bliss.

Your Guide


Anna is a ‘modern medicine woman’ – deeply connected to the timeless wisdom of the plants, yet strongly rooted in the modern world. She’s a ceremony facilitator, doula, biohacker, holistic health coach, breathworker and musician. In her work she focuses on helping others navigate through processes of growth and transformation, and has already guided hundreds of people through ceremonial journeys in both group and individual settings. She loves working with and teaching about cacao because of its kind, gentle and powerful feminine spirit.


Date & Time

The ceremony will take place on the 15th of September 2024. Arrival is at 14:50 and we will start ceremony at about 14:30. We will likely close our circle at around 17:30.


We will work in a beautiful community space in the forests of Driebergen. The exact address will be communicated to you upon sign-up.

Group Size

A maximum of 35 participants will be invited to join the ceremony – creating a beautiful group energy that still allows for personal connection.


The exchange per person is €40, which includes ceremony participation and free-flow cacao. Please check our T&Cs for our refund policy.

Sign Up

Please purchase your ticket by clicking on one of the buttons above – payments will be processed via Hipsy.


Cacao, especially in its raw form, can offer several health benefits due to its rich antioxidant content and complex nutrient profile, and is generally and extremely safe medicine to work with – meaning that the majority of people will not experience any adverse effects. There are however a few contraindications you should be aware of in case you are considering joining our circle:

  1. Caffeine Sensitivity: Pure cacao contains caffeine, which can cause issues for those sensitive to it. It may lead to symptoms like anxiety, jitteriness, or sleep disturbances.
  2. Migraine Triggers: Some individuals are sensitive to certain compounds in cacao, like tyramine, which can trigger migraines in susceptible people.
  3. Stimulant Effect: The caffeine and other stimulants in cacao can exacerbate symptoms of certain conditions like anxiety disorders or heart conditions.
  4. Gastrointestinal Issues: For some people, the compounds in pure cacao can irritate the gastrointestinal tract, leading to symptoms like stomach pain, bloating, or diarrhea.
  5. Interactions with Medications: Pure cacao contains various compounds that may interact with certain medications. For example, it can interfere with the absorption or effectiveness of certain drugs.
  6. Allergies: Although rare, some individuals may be allergic to components in cacao, leading to allergic reactions.
  7. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: It’s advisable for pregnant and breastfeeding women to moderate their intake of caffeine-containing foods, including pure cacao, to avoid potential negative effects on the baby.
  8. High Oxalate Content: Cacao is high in oxalates, which can contribute to kidney stone formation in susceptible individuals. Those with a history of kidney stones may need to limit their intake of high-oxalate foods like pure cacao.

As always, it’s essential to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or underlying health conditions.

Get in Touch!

Whether you’d like to ask a question, share insights or ideas, collaborate or just feel like having a chat – I can’t wait to hear from you!